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Booklishers® US

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Booklishers®: The Final Revival of Opal & Nev

Booklishers®: Philip Roth: The Biography

Booklishers®: The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country

Booklishers®: The Midnight Library: A Novel

Booklishers®: Win

Booklishers®: The Hate U Give

Booklishers®: The Lost Apothecary: A Novel

Booklishers®: Good Company: A Novel

The World Awaits Your Masterpiece!

You can browse our ghostwriting packages and select the one that best suits your requirements. your needs.

  • STANDARD Approx. $20/page

    Creative content with a range of 200-300 pages.

  • PREMIUM (Approx. $22/page)

    content that is strategically designed and spans 350 pages and beyond.


    A team of two creative designers conducted research and came up with four potential proposals.


    Six distinct themes are conceptualized by a team of three creative designers.

  • STANDARD 150-200 pages

    Consider publishing your version of 150-200 pages. According to recent studies, the demand for audiobooks has risen by over 27% per year since 2014, owing to people's desire to listen to any book while traveling or lying in bed with no additional labor load on their hands and eyes.

  • PREMIUM 200-300 pages

    Consider publishing your version of 200-350 pages. According to recent studies, the demand for audiobooks has risen by over 27% per year since 2014, owing to people's desire to listen to any book while traveling or lying in bed with no additional labor load on their hands and eyes.


    We offer a wide of services for Authors & Researchers such as publishing work on Amazon, Kindle, & Nobles, Createspace, and Books etc.


    We provide a variety of services for authors and researchers, including publication on Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes & Noble, as well as Create Space and Books.


    Our Digital Marketing Service will increase your sales by 200 percent and turn you into a best-setback grantee with a money-back guarantee.

  • STANDARD (words 10,000 to 15,000)

    Get your work written by one of our specialists in the field, including with a plagiarism report.

  • PREMIUM (words 15,000 to 25,000)

    With a 100% money-back guarantee, our Digital Marketing Service will increase your sales by 400% and make you a best-selling author on Amazon.

Premium Book Writing ServiceGive A Soul To Your Idea

A book idea may take shape in the back of your mind, ready to be brought to life. Despite this, you cannot compose a single word. There's no need to be concerned that your brilliant concept will never receive the recognition it deserves.

Let’s start writing a book with us

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